SCIENTISTS are planning to bore a hole into Earth that could unleash an unlimited energy source.
The researchers are hopeful that by digging over a mile into the earth they can harness the power of the planet’s fiery, molten magma.
The Krafla Magma Testbed project aims to dig deep into a magma chamber[/caption] It’s hard to research magma because it’s so hot it destroys equipment[/caption]The Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) project aims to start digging in 2026 and begin conducting science experiments shortly after.
“Our motivation is to discover and verify concepts of deep hydrothermal systems and magma by drilling into magma and instrumenting our boreholes for monitoring and experiments underground,” the website states.
“With this we will open a new frontier for near magma research and innovation.
“Instead of the current indirect approach, we will finally be able to sample and test magma to discover the reality of Earth’s molten state.”
The KMT project plans to create two boreholes in Iceland.
Although it may sound like weird science, the boreholes will each serve a distinct purpose.
One will be used for the world’s first direct measurements of magma.
The other could help to unleash geothermal power.
This project has been described as one of the first journeys to Earth’s center.
What lies within Earth remains a bit of a mystery to scientists due to the extreme heat temperatures within.
Researchers require expensive tooths that can withstand extreme heat and magma.
The first hole will be directed towards a magma chamber and is estimated to take about two months to create.
Once this is underway, the second hole for energy will begin construction.
According to the New Scientist, the project could result in “vast amounts of clean electricity” that would come at no extra cost.
It would require using hot geothermal fluid to drive turbines.
This could generate low-cost electricity if scientists can work out how to harness it.